Five adult female donkeys of average 3 years old and averaged 200+5.22 Kg body weight were used for performing five digestibility trials which were planned to determine the digestibility of nutrients in some common feeds. They were housed individually in separate pens in order to record the feed consumption and fecal excretion. Each animal was offered the weighed daily ration in its respective manger and has free access to clean water. The rations tested in the five digestibility trials can be summarized as follow: Ration 1 (basal-a): composed of berseem hay, Ration 2: composed of berseem hay 35% and wheat straw 65%, Ration 3 (basal-b): composed of concentrate mixture 30 % (soybean meal, 40%, white corn, 30% and wheat bran, 30%) and wheat straw 70%, Ration 4: composed of 90% ration 3 and 10% white corn and Ration 5: composed of 90% ration 3 and 10% wheat bran. The animals were fed the tested rations for a preliminary period of 14 days. The fecal matter of each animal was collected daily at 9.0 A.M. for a period of 8 days. The daily feed intake and fecal matter output were recorded for each animal and daily representative samples of fecal matter from the five animals were dried, thoroughly mixed and ground. Then the obtained composite sample for each animal was chemically analyzed for proximate components. The digestibility of hay was measured in the first trial by direct method and wheat straw digestibility could be determined by the by difference method of calculation in the second trial. The other trials were performed to get the digestibility of the other feeds (corn, wheat bran and soybean meal) by the indirect method. Blood serum was analyzed for some biochemical parameters. The obtained results indicated that, dry matter intake by she donkeys ranged from 2.5-2.9% of the body weight, however the digestion coefficient of the different nutrients in the tested feeds and rations ranged from 71.79-47.58% for DM, 74.29-48.11% for OM, 85.28-25.0% for CP, 80.0-41.67% for EE, 80.0-22.35% for CF, 90.9-52.94% for NFE, 62.5-35.0% for Ca, 56.25-32.73% for P and 75.51-39.51% for TDN. The data concerning digestion coefficients of the nutrients and that of blood parameters measured were greatly similar to that of horses and ponies.