To investigate form (or forms) of Chlamydophila infection in camels and to determine the role that can be played by camels in transmission of this organism to other animals, this infection was studied from clinical, diagnostic and epidemiological aspects in camels and contact sheep. In this study, 30 camel and 300 sheep from different 6 farms where camels and sheep found together in the same place in Western region of KSA were used, three of these farms suffered from abortion in sheep. Diagnostic study included two assays, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). These tests performed on serum and milk samples of camels and sheep three successive times one month apart between each two examinations. Results of clinical examination showed that some camels infected with Chlamydophila suffered only from respiratory signs while some sheep aborted and other suffered from respiratory signs varied from mild to severe, no abortion recorded in infected camels. Diagnostic study proved infection of camels with three spp. of Chlamydophila (C. abortus – C. pecorum – C. pneumoniae) while only C. abortus and C. pecorum were recorded in sheep. ELISA used in this study couldn't differentiate between different spp. of Chlamydophila while PCR could identify and differentiate between three Chlamydophila Spp. Collected data and disease history of the used farms with results of this study (seroconversion of 16 sheep and detection of Chlamydophila nucleic acid in 25 sheep after introducing of Chlamydophila infected newly purchased two camels to the farm without any previous history of abortion and did not suffered from any form of Chlamydophil, all these animals were negative for Chlamydophila antibodies and nucleic acid at the beginning of the study) proved that camels plays a very important role in transmission and epidemiology of Chlamydophila infection. PCR assay proved to be more sensitive than ELISA where it gave positive results with 18 camels and 142 sheep while ELISA was positive in 11 camels and 109 sheep only. At the same time, PCR didn't give any positive results with vaccinated sheep while all vaccinated animals were positive with ELISA. From results of this work I can record that camels could infected with Chlamydophila but most infected camels appear healthy so they can play a very important role in transmission of this infection to contact animals. Also PCR could be recorded as fast and sensitive technique and can be used for diagnosis of all forms of Chlamydophila infection, its importance increase in apparently healthy carrier animals while ELISA could be used in serological screening of animals in farms suffered from abortion.