Kidney lesions were detected histopathologically during clinical and postmortem examinations of broilers from private farms in El-Minia Governorate. The birds were 3-5 weeks old and the average mortality allover the cycle was 4-6 %. Pellted feeds were used in all farms. Birds were vaccinated against Infectious bronchitis, New Castle disease, Gumboro and Avian Influenza. Some of the examined cases were treated with Sulfonamindes and Gentamycine for controlling of coccididia and Gram –negative bacteria, respectively. Examination of the kidneys revealed various abnormalities including variation in size and weight of the organ, increasing the relative weight of kidneys, reducing the body weight gain of the birds, abnormalities of color, shape, size and texture with haemorrhage. Histopathologically, the kidneys showed haemorrhages in cortex and medulla, congestion and thrombosis. The renal tubules showed signs of nephrosis in form of swelling, degeneration and desquamation of the lining epithelium, heavy infiltration of the renal cortex with lymphocytes and heterophiles, and coagulative necrosis. Some cases showed swelling and hypercellularity of the glomeruli with periglomerular fibrosis. It had been concluded that mycotoxins present in broiler feedstuffs have a deleterious effect on the kidneys. Considering that the kidneys are one of the vital organs, there was an increase in the mortality rate and high economic losses.