The present study aimed to establish normal concentration of Copper, Zinc, Iron, and Manganese in some randomly selected individuals representing camels, cattle and buffaloes together with a comparison between the recorded results and those reported in the previous literature. A total number of 75 clinically healthy male animals represent camels, cattle and buffaloes (25 each). Agesof examined animals ranged between 5-7 years. Animals were slaughtered in Bani Adi slaughter house (Assiut city) where blood and liver samples were collected from each slaughtered animal. Selected animals were proved clinically healthy before slaughter by both clinical and laboratory methods of examinations and post mortem examination revealed no any macro pathological changes of carcasses or internal viscera. Blood serum and hepatic levels of Copper, Zinc, iron, and Manganese were determined and compared with respective values of cattle, buffaloes and camels. Blood serum Copper and manganese levels were significantly higher for camels than for cattle and buffaloes. While Liver copper and iron were significantly (p < 0.05) higher for camels than for cattle and buffaloes. The difference in blood serum zinc and iron, liver zinc, manganese between camels, cattle and buffaloes were not statistically significant (p < 0.05) Mean levels of copper, zinc, iron, and manganese in hay and crops residue mixture, on the dry matter basis were at the lower margin of the latest NRC recommendations.