Concentrated milk is an important dairy product, because it can be utilized as a final product or as intermediate material. One hundred and twenty random samples of concentrated milk (60 each of full cream sweetened condensed and unsweetened evaporated milks) of different brands were collected from supermarkets in Alexandria Governorate for sensory, chemical and microbiological evaluations. The mean values of total milk solids, protein, solid not fat, fat and lactose contents in the examined full cream sweetened condensed milk samples were 29.9 ± 3.9, 8.2 ± 1.1, 21.4 ± 2.8, 8.5 ± 1.1 and 9.0 ± 0.2 , respectively. Meanwhile, the corresponding mean values of total milk solids, protein, solid not fat, fat and lactose contents in examined full cream unsweetened evaporated milk samples were 28.92 ± 3.7, 7.9 ± 1, 20.37 ± 2.6, 8.4 ± 1.1 and 10.21 ± 1.33. The mean values of aerobic plate count, thermoduric bacterial count, thermophilic bacterial count and total yeast and mould count in the examined full cream sweetened condensed milk samples were 3.47x103±8.7x102; 2 x 10 ± 0.87 x 10; 4.45 x 10 ± 0.5 x 10 and 1.5 x 10 ± 0.53 x 10, respectively. Meanwhile in full cream unsweetened evaporated milk, the mean values of the concerning microorganisms were 8.46 x 10 ± 3.2 x 10; 1.71 x 10 ± 0.66 x 10; 2 x 10 ± 0.1 x 10 and 1.4 x 10 ± 0.43 x 10, respectively. Coliformsand anaerobic bacteria could not be detected in the examined samples of both concentrated milk types. The public health, economic importance of the isolated species and suggested control measures were discussed.