Hyperthyroidism is common endocrine problem encountered in pregnancy. It is well known that hyperthyroidism induces an increase in the activity of hypothalamic- pituitary – adrenal (HPA) axis. There are a few reports about development of the HPA axis in rat pups of hyperthyroid mothers. Therefore, this study was designed to investigate that maternal hyperthyroidism during pregnancy impaired feedback mechanisms of the HPA- axis and associated with thyroid disorders and neurobiological alterations in off sprigs. Therefore, 30 female wistar rats (200-250gm) after induction of pregnancy and hyperthyroxinemia. Their pups were divided into six groups (control non stressed group, hyperthyroid non stressed group, treated non stressed group, control stressed group, hyperthyroid stressed group, treated stressed group). Measurement of some hormones and histological analyses were done and result the induction of hyperthyroidism in mothers was significantly increased of plasma T4 and decreased of plasma TSH levels in all pups group compared with control group. ACTH and Corticosterone increased in stressed group compared with other group. In addition hyperthyroid group showed small amount of colloid with irregular structure and architecture of the thyroid gland compared with treated and control group. In conclusion, the effects of maternal stress exposure during pregnancy on HPA-axis regulation and anxiety-like behavior can be transferred via the maternal line to the its offspring's.