ArticleMedico-legal Interpretation of Pediatric Maxillofacial Causalities with Epidemiological Analysis: Retrospective 5-Year Study
ArticleMedico-legal Interpretation of Pediatric Maxillofacial Causalities with Epidemiological Analysis: Retrospective 5-Year Study
ArticleAccuracy of Deciduous and Permanent Molar Teeth in Gender determination of Egyptian Children: Dental and Forensic Implications
ArticleAccuracy of Deciduous and Permanent Molar Teeth in Gender determination of Egyptian Children: Dental and Forensic Implications
ArticleDental biometrics of the maxillary anterior teeth and their relation to the esthetic parameters among Egyptian population in Cairo: A cross-sectional Observational study
ArticleDental biometrics of the maxillary anterior teeth and their relation to the esthetic parameters among Egyptian population in Cairo: A cross-sectional Observational study
ArticleMedicolegal aspects of maxilofacial trauma associated with head injuries and its effect on the patients outcome in Upper Egypt: a retrospective study
ArticleMedicolegal aspects of maxilofacial trauma associated with head injuries and its effect on the patients outcome in Upper Egypt: a retrospective study