Articleالعلاقات المصرية القبرصية " التجارية والسياحية" نموذجا (1952-1960م) Egyptians - Cypriots Relations (1952-1960) with reference to Trade and Tourism as models.
Articleالعلاقات المصرية القبرصية " التجارية والسياحية" نموذجا (1952-1960م) Egyptians - Cypriots Relations (1952-1960) with reference to Trade and Tourism as models.
ArticleInternal conflict in the Republic of Cyprus in 50-70 years of the 20th century and the role of the policy of Archbishop Makarios in its growth
ArticleInternal conflict in the Republic of Cyprus in 50-70 years of the 20th century and the role of the policy of Archbishop Makarios in its growth