ArticleInsights into Family Dysfunction through Bowen’s Theory and Durang’s Satire: An Interdisciplinary Approach
ArticleInsights into Family Dysfunction through Bowen’s Theory and Durang’s Satire: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Articleصور الخلافات الزوجية فى ال أفلام بالفضائيات العربية وعلاقتها بإتجاهات المراهقين نحو الإرتباط بالآخر
Articleصور الخلافات الزوجية فى ال أفلام بالفضائيات العربية وعلاقتها بإتجاهات المراهقين نحو الإرتباط بالآخر
ArticleMerging Storytelling with Performance: Astudyof the Perturbed and Antithetical Viewpoints in Wallace Shawn’s Aunt Dan and Lemon
ArticleMerging Storytelling with Performance: Astudyof the Perturbed and Antithetical Viewpoints in Wallace Shawn’s Aunt Dan and Lemon
ArticleRole concepts, Relationships and Conflict Resolution Styles Regarding Marriage among Nursing Students
ArticleRole concepts, Relationships and Conflict Resolution Styles Regarding Marriage among Nursing Students