The material of study comprised 21 female patients complaining of hirsut-ism. Their ages ranged from 19 to 35 years {mean 22.6+2.52) and the weight ranged from 53 to 95 kgm (mean 68.2+10.47). Ten carefully selected normal matched females were chosen to act as a control group. Both patients and controls were subjected to detailed history, thorough clinical examination, and radiological examinations including pelvi-abdominal ul-trasonography and plain X-ray skull.
Laboratory investigations were carried out in the early follicular phase of the menstrual cycle. Blood sample was taken in the morning and serum separated. A sample of saliva was collected at the same time after thorough rinsing of the mouth, and centrifuged at 1500 Xg for 15 minutes. The clear
supernatent and the serum sample were preserved at -20°C until time of analysis. Spironolactone was administered by all patients in a dose of 100 mg/day from 4th to 22nd day of the menstrual cycle. Serum and salivary samples were again obtained. Measurement of serum free and salivary testosterone was done by RIA using the COAT-A count testosterone kit supplied by Diagnostic Products Cor-poratin; 5700 West 96th street, Los ANgelos.
Hirsutism was graded according to the score of Abraham et al. (1976), while clinical improvement was assessed according to Pittaway et al. (1985).