Ancient Egyptian Culture is the first Civilization on earth. How could Ancient Egyptians evolve this global civilization? Which reasons led to this advanced technology? How could ancient Egyptians suddenly discipline their lives after a period of barbarian spheres? How could they evolve their political system and Law of Justice? Irrigation, Metallurgy, Law, Measurements, Architecture, and Astrology known in ancient Egypt must have a great education story behind. Who educated ancient Egyptians? There are some possible reasons led to this civilization: 1- Earlier earthly stability after the end of last geological developments, which could have resulted to Earlier Settlements? 2- Existence of heavenly Prophets according to the will and mighty of God «Allah» who educated mankind. Nations preceded ancient Egyptian civilization like «aAd» and «Thamoud» disappeared suddenly and completely for their corrupted behaviour, while Ancient Egyptians were not. Were Ancient Egyptians righteous people, believing the existence of God-of-Universe? The disciplined life and refined behaviours incarnated in the struggle between «Horus» and «Seth» must have played a role for establishing Justice Principles, which was the successful base of Civilization. The main core of Pyramid texts and Book of the Dead is formed by the main deities «Osiris», «Isis», «Horus», «Sons-of-Horus» and «Thoth», who must have played an essential role that forced Civilization.