This study identifies the information sources of the foreign non-Arab residents in Egypt about the current events and investigates the role of the Egyptian and international newspapers and magazines in providing them with such information about the important issues and affairs, shedding lights on the foreigners' motivations behind reading the different kinds of newspapers and magazines and the gratifications obtained by such usage.
Within the framework of the uses and gratifications approach and media dependency theory, the study employs both quantitative and qualitative data analysis methods to come up with deeper illustrations and explanations. 250 respondents participated in the survey while 10 foreign residents participated in the in-depth interviews.
The findings of the research showed that foreign residents in Egypt tended to depend on a mix of sources to acquire information about the current affairs including Egyptian media, media from their homelands as well as international media outlets. A positive correlation was found between the length of the foreigners' stay in Egypt and the degree of their dependence on the Egyptian Arabic language television, newspapers and magazines to get information about the current events.
Information, non-Arab residents, Current Events, Egypt
Last Name
Khaled Abol Fotoh
Assistant lecturer at Faculty of Language and Communication
Arab Academy of Science, Technology and Maritime Transport
Alexandria Branch
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بحوث علمیة متخصصة فی مجال الاعلام والاتصال.
Publication Title
المجلة العربية لبحوث الاعلام والاتصال
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The Information sources of the Foreign Residents in Egypt about Current Events : A Field Study