This research focused on the influence of a flipped classroom model on learners' English-speaking skills. The participants of the study were 38 students at the second secondary stage in an experimental school in Cairo. The instruments used were: (1) A checklist of the targeted speaking skills for second year secondary school students as described in the curricula objectives.
(2) pre-and post-tests of oral presentations on specified topics, (3) The rubric for measuring the students' English Oral Performance, (3) A questionnaire of students' perceptions of flipped learning, (4) In- class observations by the researcher, (5) Interviews with a random sample of study participants to elicit their views on the flipped classroom experience after its implementation. Qualitative methods were used in analyzing collected data. The six tested items: accuracy, comprehensibility and pronunciation, fluency, comprehension, content and maturity of the language have improved. The results showed noticeable progress in students' fluency of ideas and interaction as a result of the resources, the links, the videos the teacher provided to students before class time, and the interaction and feedback they received during class and the on line material that was made accessible to them, which highlights the effectiveness of the flipped classroom in enhancing students' spoken language. Moreover, students' attitudes towards the flipped classroom showed moderate to high satisfaction rates.