ArticleStaging Body Politics in Tomson Highway’s The Rez Sisters (1986) and Brian Friel’s Dancing At Lughnasa (1990)
ArticleStaging Body Politics in Tomson Highway’s The Rez Sisters (1986) and Brian Friel’s Dancing At Lughnasa (1990)
ArticleDecolonial Narratives of Knowledge and Defiance in Brian Friel’s <i>Translations</i> and Muin Bseiso’s <i>Shimshūn wa Dalīlah</i>
ArticleDecolonial Narratives of Knowledge and Defiance in Brian Friel’s <i>Translations</i> and Muin Bseiso’s <i>Shimshūn wa Dalīlah</i>
ArticleFinding a Third Space: A Postcolonial Comparative study of Verdecchia’s Fronteras Americanas and Fugard’s Sizwe Basnsi is Dead
ArticleFinding a Third Space: A Postcolonial Comparative study of Verdecchia’s Fronteras Americanas and Fugard’s Sizwe Basnsi is Dead
ArticleThe Hermeneutics of Place: A Structuralist Reading of William Trevor’s The Silence in the Garden
ArticleThe Hermeneutics of Place: A Structuralist Reading of William Trevor’s The Silence in the Garden
ArticleWhen Place Becomes Home: Refugees and Border Space in Joe Murphy and Joe Robertson’s The Jungle (2017)
ArticleWhen Place Becomes Home: Refugees and Border Space in Joe Murphy and Joe Robertson’s The Jungle (2017)
ArticleIrishness, Female Subjectivity, Domestic Relation, and Landscape as manifested in Carr's The Mai & Ariel
ArticleIrishness, Female Subjectivity, Domestic Relation, and Landscape as manifested in Carr's The Mai & Ariel