ArticleWhen the Subaltern Speaks: Feminine Narrative Performance in Heather Raffo’s Nine Parts of Desire and Issam El-Yousfi’s Tears with Alcohol)*(
ArticleWhen the Subaltern Speaks: Feminine Narrative Performance in Heather Raffo’s Nine Parts of Desire and Issam El-Yousfi’s Tears with Alcohol)*(
ArticleThe ''Wind of Change'' Blowing Through the British and Egyptian Theatres: A Study of Caryl Churchill's Serious Money and Nihad Gad's On the Pavement
ArticleThe ''Wind of Change'' Blowing Through the British and Egyptian Theatres: A Study of Caryl Churchill's Serious Money and Nihad Gad's On the Pavement
Articleتمثلات صورة المرأة داخل النسق المسرحي الفلسطيني المعاصر: مسرح عشتار أنموذجًا Representations of the women's image within the Palestinian theatre: Ishtar theatre as a model
Articleتمثلات صورة المرأة داخل النسق المسرحي الفلسطيني المعاصر: مسرح عشتار أنموذجًا Representations of the women's image within the Palestinian theatre: Ishtar theatre as a model