The Second part of this investigation was to develop the old conventional hatcheries wich produce poultry chicks .In Egypt, there are about 500 hatcheries, however many of these hatcheries were shut down due to such difficulties, the skill labors who did not accept to work inside the oven since they had to inter the oven twice a day to turn the eggs by their hands, and spend about 10-15 minutes each time in a very bad environment, in addition to the high levels of carbon dioxide , temperature and moisture inside these hatcheries.
Thus, The main objectives of this work was to develop a mechanized system to handle the eggs during the hatchery period, and provide easy an turning of eggs trays on trollys from the outside of the hatchery. Eggs trays and trolly trays were constructed and were easy installed inside the hatchery without changing the main old building construction. This system provided an easy handling and turning for the trays to a certain angle from the outside. Based on the heat balance calculation, the selected air handling unit was provided to control temperature, humidity, and ventilation at a reasonable required levels. As shown in the first part research, all units were connected to a control panel to monitor and adjust their functions from outside the hatchery.
The most important goal for the development of a traditional hatchery was also achieved by keeping the labor away from bad conditions in the old hatchery. Control the environment of the oven increased the hatch percent and chick quality. Now the owners of conventional hatcheries are looking forward appreciably to install this system in their hatcheries.