The aim of this research is to measure and determine the physical, optical and electrical properties for mature olive fruits using visible laser, and to make prototype for sorting olive fruits using visible laser. The experimental setup was made at the Institute of Laser Enhanced Science (NILES), Cairo University, Giza, Egypt. The obtained results were as follows: 1) The greatest length of the olive was (3.3 cm) and least width (1.7 cm) of olive, were used to make the width and height sides of transporter channel to suit exposing the fruit to laser beam, 2) The highest and lowest percentages of reflection light intensity were 0.82 % and 0.52 % for surface of green and black olive fruit, respectively. So, the sorting prototype was depending on 0.82% reflection for sorting green olive from olive maturity fruit, 3) The highest and lowest electrical signals resulted from reflection light intensity of 23.9 and 14.6 mV for green and black olive fruit, respectively. So, the sorting prototype depended on equal or more than 22.4 mV of electrical signals for sorting green olive from olive maturity fruit, 4) It is prefer able to use feeding rate of 394.61 g/min during operating time of 5.07 min with separating efficiency of 95%, because it gave the lowest cost per operating unit in comparison with other cost operating unit of prototype, and 5) Separation efficiency of manual 96% is higher than separating efficiency of 95% of prototype, and cost operating unit of manual 0.85 L.E. is lower than cost of operating unit of prototype of 1.39 L.E. However, working time of prototype 5.07 min is lower than working time of manual 13.68min. So, it is preferable to use the prototype for sorting of mature olive fruit with large scale and high accuracy.