Articleأسباب السرقة العلمية في الأوساط الأکاديمية برسائل الماجستي ر والدکتوراه لدى طلاب الدراسات العليا بالجامعات السعودية
Articleأسباب السرقة العلمية في الأوساط الأکاديمية برسائل الماجستي ر والدکتوراه لدى طلاب الدراسات العليا بالجامعات السعودية
ArticleA Longitudinal Study of Academic Misconduct in Online Classes during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of Secondary schooling in Kuwait.
ArticleA Longitudinal Study of Academic Misconduct in Online Classes during Covid-19 Pandemic: The Case of Secondary schooling in Kuwait.
ArticleThe awareness of the faculty members of the University of Menoufia of scientific plagiarism: Exploratory study
ArticleThe awareness of the faculty members of the University of Menoufia of scientific plagiarism: Exploratory study
ArticleThe Attitude of Faculty Members in the College of Basic Education in the State of Kuwait Towards Plagiarism
ArticleThe Attitude of Faculty Members in the College of Basic Education in the State of Kuwait Towards Plagiarism