A total of 60 butter sampks (20 of each of imported CQW butter. locaily produced
cow butter and locally produced buffalo butter, were collected aseptl.caHy from dilferent Alexandria markets. The samples were subjected to microbiological and chemical examtruttion to efxtiuate its sanitary condition on the basis of Egyptian. organization for Standardization and Quality ControL 2005 speqifications. The results of the current study revealed that 20%, 40% and 55% of the examined Imported butter. locally produced COlU butter and locally produced buffalo butter samples exceeded the maximum permissible Urnit of coliform bacteria with average counts of 9.2±L3. 32.2±2.6 and 3B±5.8 MPNlg respectively. However, 35%. 55% and 75% of such samples were over the permLsSib!e limit of total yeast and mold count with average counts of 3.4xlO ±1.5xlO. 5.8xl02 ± 1.6xl02 and 5.2xl03 ± 2.3xl02 cJ,u/g. lipolytic and psychrotrophic bacteria were isolated from all of the examined samples with counts exceeding the allowable limit. (9. IxID±.1.1x1O, 4.1x103± 2.6x10 and 5.9x 102 ± 6.1xl0 cj.u/gJor lljr olytie and 3.5xl02±1.3xl02, 6.5xl02± 2,9xl02 and 5.5xl03 .± 8.2xlO cJ.u/g Jor psychrotrophic bacteriaJ.Saunonella could not be detected but Shigella was isoiated from one sample only representtrtg 5% of locally produced cow butter samples.