Seventy five random samples of Eg yptian soft cheeses (Kareish cheese, Damitla fresh cheese and Damitta ripened cheese "25 samples of each") were collected from re tail outlets and supermarkets in Mansoura city. Eg ypt. Staphylococcus auerus was de tected in 84%; 64% and 68% of examined Kareish cheese; Damitta fresh cheese and Damitta ripened cheese samples. The mean counts of Staphylococcus aureus in Kaer ish cheese; Damitta fresh cheese and Damitta ripened cheese were 3.3 x 103; 3.0 x 104 and 4.1 x 1a2 respectivel y . 68% of Kareislt cheese samples; 52% samples of Da
milia fresh cheese and 44% samples of Damilla ripened cheese had Staphylococcus aureus counts marginally exceed the desire maximum count of S. aureus repo1ted by EC Food Legislation and UK Microbiological Guidelines for ••good hygiene practices in manufacture of soft and fresh cheeses. Preventive measures for decreasing contamina tion of soft cheeses were discussed.