The study aims to that of the Dairy and Mntegadtha importance of people have , including this study was conducted , where the study was conducted destined to one hundred sample (fifty of them from fresh raw milk markets , and fifty sample of cream ) . Collected from different places , have been isolated and classification of microbes Alclaibsala in raw milk by 48 % , using cultured MacConkey, while insulation has been increased by 52% using the Sticky VRB. As in the case of the cream and found ratios as follows (42%) using the Sticky MacConky, and ( 30%) when using Sticky VRB. The results led to the contamination of raw milk markets microbes K.pneumonlae (18%), and K. oxytoca (28), Kozaenae (22%), K rhLnosclemmatls (10%), and using Sticky MacConkey The percentages are 30% 0.26 % 0.22 % 0.8 % , respectively, using the Sticky VRB ratios were ranging from 4 % to 20% . The results showed contamination of milk markets Alclaibsala germs are the biggest curse of milk in the case of the cream has been attributed to pollution, not to follow the health requirements during the transfer and sale of milk . Using the test sensitivity to antibiotics found that the microbe Kpneumonlae resists all of Amoxicillin and Alambisill The results showed the sensitivity of medium and found that antibiotics effective against the microbe K. pneumonJae Sifuteixeim . This has been explaining the economic importance of the microbe Alclaibsala and its impact on livestock production , as well as tips designed to prevent or reduce bacterial contamination germs Alklasepela milk raw and cream to the lowest level to ensure maximum safety the health of consumers and the longest shelf life of the Dairy .