Evaluation oj sensory. cite mica I and microbiological status oj smoked herring sold
in supermarkets in Egypt was carried oui. Twenly five random samples oj smoked herring
were taken and transferred dlrectJu 10 t!:e iabora/on) under aseptic conditions with
a mLnimum oj delay. The samples were subjeclecl 10 sensory. chemical and microbiological
examinations. The obtained results reveo.led /hat} 6 % oj samples were rejected
due to higher total bacterial counl; 44% rejectedJor presence S. aureus count, 32 % reJected
Jar presence oj Q1l.aeroblc count and 24 % rejected Jor presence oj cOlifonns
COWlt when compared with the relevant Egyptian Standard, £S 288/2005 (£05.2005).
The data also reuealed that one COIl depend on smoklrtg to mirlimlze growth oJspoUage
and/or pathogenic mLcroorganlsms. The dara also indicate that about 44% oj the exam·
ined samples were rejected m1crobl%gically (S. aureus). while about J 6 % were reject·
ed chemically (pH and TVN) and about 7 % were rejected by sensory evaluation (Macer'
ated Q1l.d much macerated). So, one can.not depend upon sensory and chemleal tests
alone Jor deieml/rlalwil oj hyglenle quality oj Sllloked fish. Recolllmendations to improve
quality and saJe ty oj s rnoked herring jIs It were d isCU5sed