ArticleHow Does Gender Diversity Moderate the Relationship between Income Smoothing and Stock Liquidity? Evidence from Egypt
ArticleHow Does Gender Diversity Moderate the Relationship between Income Smoothing and Stock Liquidity? Evidence from Egypt
ArticleDoes the adoption of AAOIFI affect corporate social responsibility disclosure? Evidence from Islamic banks
ArticleDoes the adoption of AAOIFI affect corporate social responsibility disclosure? Evidence from Islamic banks
ArticleBoard Gender Diversity and Firm’s Financial Performance: Further Evidence from an Emerging Capital Market
ArticleBoard Gender Diversity and Firm’s Financial Performance: Further Evidence from an Emerging Capital Market
Articleأثر جودة الأرباح المحاسبية على قدرة الشركات على الاستمرارية "دراسة تطبيقية على الشركات متعددة الجنسية في مصر"
Articleأثر جودة الأرباح المحاسبية على قدرة الشركات على الاستمرارية "دراسة تطبيقية على الشركات متعددة الجنسية في مصر"
ArticleDoes the Relationship between Board Gender Diversity, other Effective Board Characteristics, and Audit Quality Traits affect the 2Fs: Financial Performance and Financial Structur
ArticleDoes the Relationship between Board Gender Diversity, other Effective Board Characteristics, and Audit Quality Traits affect the 2Fs: Financial Performance and Financial Structur
Articleأثر تنوع الجنس البشري بمجلس الإدارة وفعالية نظم الرقابة الداخلية على ظاهرة تباين سلوك التكلفة وانعكاسها على قيمة المنشأة: دليل تطبيقي
Articleأثر تنوع الجنس البشري بمجلس الإدارة وفعالية نظم الرقابة الداخلية على ظاهرة تباين سلوك التكلفة وانعكاسها على قيمة المنشأة: دليل تطبيقي
ArticleImpact of Corporate Governance, Audit Quality and Firm Characteristics on Firm Profitability using Earnings Quality as a Moderating Variable
ArticleImpact of Corporate Governance, Audit Quality and Firm Characteristics on Firm Profitability using Earnings Quality as a Moderating Variable
ArticleThe Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) On Earnings Management Behavior: Evidence from Commercial Banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
ArticleThe Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) On Earnings Management Behavior: Evidence from Commercial Banks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia