ArticleLexical Variation in Arabic Phraseological Units Calqued from English: An Explanatory Approach
ArticleLexical Variation in Arabic Phraseological Units Calqued from English: An Explanatory Approach
Articleفِي المَعْنى الصَّرْفِيِّ والمَعْنى الدّلالِيِّ دِرَاسَة نظريَّة تطبيقيَّة Morphological meaning and Semantic meaning Applied Theoretical Study
Articleفِي المَعْنى الصَّرْفِيِّ والمَعْنى الدّلالِيِّ دِرَاسَة نظريَّة تطبيقيَّة Morphological meaning and Semantic meaning Applied Theoretical Study