Articleبرنامج تدريبي لطالبات قسم تصميم الازياء لتنمية معارف ومهارات إعداد العينة في مصانع الملابس الجاهزة
Articleبرنامج تدريبي لطالبات قسم تصميم الازياء لتنمية معارف ومهارات إعداد العينة في مصانع الملابس الجاهزة
ArticleDeveloping the skills of Home Economics students through the Techniques of implementing the women's blouse
ArticleDeveloping the skills of Home Economics students through the Techniques of implementing the women's blouse
ArticleEducational unit for garment implementing based on professional requirements for home economics educational graduate
ArticleEducational unit for garment implementing based on professional requirements for home economics educational graduate
ArticleTraining university readymade clothes student on leadership skills and establishing small enterprises
ArticleTraining university readymade clothes student on leadership skills and establishing small enterprises
ArticleEffectiveness of a proposed training program to prepare technical specifications for fashion design and apparel production
ArticleEffectiveness of a proposed training program to prepare technical specifications for fashion design and apparel production
Articleإعداد برنامج تدريبى "طباعة الأقمشة بطريقة العقد والربط" لطالبات المرحلة الإعدادية المهنية Preparation of a training program "Printing fabrics by contract and linking" for students
Articleإعداد برنامج تدريبى "طباعة الأقمشة بطريقة العقد والربط" لطالبات المرحلة الإعدادية المهنية Preparation of a training program "Printing fabrics by contract and linking" for students
Articleفاعلية برنامج تدريبي في جودة صناعة الأزياء لطالبات بکالوريوس تصميم الأزياء والنسيج The effectiveness of a training program on the quality of the fashion industry for Fashion Desi
Articleفاعلية برنامج تدريبي في جودة صناعة الأزياء لطالبات بکالوريوس تصميم الأزياء والنسيج The effectiveness of a training program on the quality of the fashion industry for Fashion Desi
ArticleA training program for developing curtain design and implementation skills for the empowerment of economically dependent women to integrate them into labor market
ArticleA training program for developing curtain design and implementation skills for the empowerment of economically dependent women to integrate them into labor market