Articleالتسويق القائم على الحواس لخلق ارتباط عاطفي مع المتلقي إستراتيجية مقترحة للتطبيق في المجتمع المصري
Articleالتسويق القائم على الحواس لخلق ارتباط عاطفي مع المتلقي إستراتيجية مقترحة للتطبيق في المجتمع المصري
ArticleThe role of Neuromarketing in measuring response to marketing stimuli in advertising campaigns
ArticleThe role of Neuromarketing in measuring response to marketing stimuli in advertising campaigns
ArticleAn Exploratory Qualitative Study to Investigate the Neural Basis of Advertising, Promotion Processes, and Their Psychological Effects
ArticleAn Exploratory Qualitative Study to Investigate the Neural Basis of Advertising, Promotion Processes, and Their Psychological Effects
ArticleCan Sensory Marketing Factors Improve the Customers' Pleasure and Arousal in Egyptian Resort Hotels?
ArticleCan Sensory Marketing Factors Improve the Customers' Pleasure and Arousal in Egyptian Resort Hotels?