Articleالثورة المصرية فى الخامس والعشرين من يناير2011 والتحديات الاقتصادية فى المرحلة الراهنة أهم المظاهر- وسبل العلاج
Articleالثورة المصرية فى الخامس والعشرين من يناير2011 والتحديات الاقتصادية فى المرحلة الراهنة أهم المظاهر- وسبل العلاج
ArticleEvaluation of Tourism Investment Climate in Egypt after the Twenty-fifth of January Revolution 2011
ArticleEvaluation of Tourism Investment Climate in Egypt after the Twenty-fifth of January Revolution 2011
ArticleManaging Political crisis and its impact on Tourism: the Case of January 25th revolution in Egypt
ArticleManaging Political crisis and its impact on Tourism: the Case of January 25th revolution in Egypt
ArticleThe Role of Traditional Crafts Centers in Maintaining Heritage and its Impact on Promoting Tourism (Case Study: Foustat Traditional Crafts Center – Cairo, Egypt)
ArticleThe Role of Traditional Crafts Centers in Maintaining Heritage and its Impact on Promoting Tourism (Case Study: Foustat Traditional Crafts Center – Cairo, Egypt)
ArticleThe Role of Traditional Crafts Centers in Maintaining Heritage and its Impact onPromoting Tourism (Case Study: Foustat Traditional Crafts Center – Cairo, Egypt)
ArticleThe Role of Traditional Crafts Centers in Maintaining Heritage and its Impact onPromoting Tourism (Case Study: Foustat Traditional Crafts Center – Cairo, Egypt)
Articleالتحديات التنموية التى تواجه مصر ما بعد ثورة يناير 2011 : نحو نمو نموذج تنموى جديد للاقتصاد المصرى
Articleالتحديات التنموية التى تواجه مصر ما بعد ثورة يناير 2011 : نحو نمو نموذج تنموى جديد للاقتصاد المصرى
ArticleExploring the Prospects and Obstacles of Entrepreneurial Tourism Development in Egypt: A Comprehensive Review
ArticleExploring the Prospects and Obstacles of Entrepreneurial Tourism Development in Egypt: A Comprehensive Review