A field experiments was conducted at El-Khattara sandy soil (the
northern fringe of El-Sharkia Governorate) to evaluate the effect of soil
thermal properties and bio fertilizers on availability of some nutrients
from shale as natural sediments for peanut plants. Biofertilization
treatments were mixture of Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus
megatherium and Bacillus circulans. The results revealed that the yield
parameters of peanut increase with increasing shale applied and biofertilizers
application. The superior treatment in this study was Shale at
20ton/fed with bio-fertilizers which achieved 4.68, 2.76, and 3.76 ton/fed
for Hay, Seeds and Pods respectively. The increasing shale addition
resulted in increasing soil heat capacity, heat content, soil bulk density
and available moisture by 9.7, 11.87, 3.7 and 14.5% respectively. While,
biofertilization treatments resulted in increase the antecedent properties
for the last same sequence by 7.8, 7.74, 1.8 and 1.26%. Mean time the
superiority increase was achieved by interaction and the values of percent
increasing 17.4, 19.7, 6.2 and 16.35% respectively. Increase heat
capacity and heat content increase availability of NPK by 46, 69 and 26%
respectively. Microbial determinations were positively affected by shale
concentration and biofertilizer application. Obtained data showed
that,shale and biofertilizer application stimulated microbial communities
at peanut rhizosphere. Also, enzymatic activities were increased in
response to different treatments. We can concluded that, shale
concentration 20 ton/fed improved heat capacity and heat content,
improved peanut growth, yield, stimulate microbial community and
enzymatic activity .