ArticleThe impact of the use of S.A.Q. training on the level of technical performance and the digital achievement of the butterfly swimming
ArticleThe impact of the use of S.A.Q. training on the level of technical performance and the digital achievement of the butterfly swimming
ArticleA predictive study of the digital level of 100 Yard butterfly swimmers based on biomechanical analysis
ArticleA predictive study of the digital level of 100 Yard butterfly swimmers based on biomechanical analysis
ArticleDesign a Program to Improve the Harmonization Abilities for the Butterfly Stroke among Young Swimmers
ArticleDesign a Program to Improve the Harmonization Abilities for the Butterfly Stroke among Young Swimmers
Articleتأثير برنامج تدريبي مقترح على بعض المتغيرات الکينماتيکية لسباحي الصدر والفراشة وعلاقتهما بالمستوى الرقمي للسباحين الناشئين
Articleتأثير برنامج تدريبي مقترح على بعض المتغيرات الکينماتيکية لسباحي الصدر والفراشة وعلاقتهما بالمستوى الرقمي للسباحين الناشئين
Articleتاثير تدريب القدرة SP3 في فترة الاعداد للمنافسات علي تحسين زمن البدء واللمس والمستوي الرقمي لسباحي 50 متر حرة
Articleتاثير تدريب القدرة SP3 في فترة الاعداد للمنافسات علي تحسين زمن البدء واللمس والمستوي الرقمي لسباحي 50 متر حرة
ArticleThe impact of using TRX training on some of the physical and digital variables of dolphin swimmers
ArticleThe impact of using TRX training on some of the physical and digital variables of dolphin swimmers
ArticleThe effect of S.A.Q exercises on some physical variables and it's relation with record level for 50 m. butterfly swimmers
ArticleThe effect of S.A.Q exercises on some physical variables and it's relation with record level for 50 m. butterfly swimmers
ArticleTheThe Effect of Training Program Using Core Stability Exercises on Some Physical Variables and Skill Performance Level in Backstroke Swimming
ArticleTheThe Effect of Training Program Using Core Stability Exercises on Some Physical Variables and Skill Performance Level in Backstroke Swimming