ArticleUnfolding the Themes of Frost’s "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" from a Stylistic Functional Perspective
ArticleUnfolding the Themes of Frost’s "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" from a Stylistic Functional Perspective
ArticlePainting in Poetry: A Stylistic Analysis of Ekphrastic Poems on Pieter Brueghel’s Hunters in the Snow1
ArticlePainting in Poetry: A Stylistic Analysis of Ekphrastic Poems on Pieter Brueghel’s Hunters in the Snow1
ArticleA Stylistic Analysis of some Selected Poems of Wystan Hugh Auden’s War Poetry: A Foregrounding- Backgrounding Approach
ArticleA Stylistic Analysis of some Selected Poems of Wystan Hugh Auden’s War Poetry: A Foregrounding- Backgrounding Approach
ArticleAstylistic Analysis of the ”Paradox Technique in T.S, Eliot’s Four Quartest Empphasis on ’Burnt Norton
ArticleAstylistic Analysis of the ”Paradox Technique in T.S, Eliot’s Four Quartest Empphasis on ’Burnt Norton