The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of social media antecedents on brand equity of fast fashion brands, which leads to purchase intention. Based on literature, fast fashion brands rely on e-commerce social media platforms in order to meet the needs and wants of consumers. So, in order to create effective social media presences, the fashion brand should rely on: media interaction, social media sharing, social media credibility, social media relationship, social media customization and social media presence. In this study, the researcher took each dimension and hypothesized them as having a positive significant impact on brand equity, which impacts consumers purchase intentions of fast fashion. This study is quantitative research. It used administrated questionnaires to collect data that is to be analyzed through the SPSS program. The researcher chooses online survey because of the current crisis (covid-19 pandemic). and also chooses the population is Egyptian Middle to upper class youth and young adults (age 16-34) who use social media on a daily basis. The research took place January 2020, following a cross sectional study. The study used the SPSS program to analyze the collected data. The researcher used regular linear multiple regression, correlation and descriptive statistics to get statistical results. The researcher reaches that social media content interaction and social media credibility have an impact on brand equity. The analysis shows that brand equity leads to purchase intentions of fashion.