This study was carried out in some villages which have high production in Banana in EI•Monolia Governorate. This investigation alms to determine: knowledge level of Banana farmers regarding Post harvesting recommendations, the relationship of some independent variables of the producers, the contribution percentage of the independent variables correlated significantly to Nunn knowledge about Banana post harvesting recommendations, the sources providing respondents with Information regarding Banana post harvesting the marketing agencies with which they deal to Markel Banana crop, the constraints lacing respondents in Banana post harvesting , and their suggestions to overcome such con-straints. A random sample of 250 respondents were chosen. Data was collected by interviewing respondents using a pretested questionnaire, It was statistically manipulated and analyzed using tables, percentage. averages, standard deviation . simple correlation coollkient, and regression analysis (step • wise) . The results revealed that : The respondent's knowledge level about Banana post harvesting recommendations were about average. A positive correlation existed between the following independent variables: degree of satisfaction of Banana economic Profitability, average yield per faddan of Banana, degree of mental flexibility, size of farm land. and size of area cultivated with Banana cop and the respondent's knowledge level about Banana post harvesting recommendations. The following Independent variables significantly contributed to 31.39% of the total variation explaining knowledge level of respondents regarding the studied recommendations, these aro: degree of satisfaction 01 Banana economic profitability. degree of mental flexibility, and average yield per faddan of Banana, The main sources of respondent's information about Banana post harvesting were : neighbours ( 62.89%) . and subject matter specialists (55.6%). Most of respondents ( 72.40%) sold their Banana crop by EX. Agreement with totally - trader. Five constraints were found facing the great majority of the respondents. These are in descending order: the difficulty of getting credit to financing the marketing process. Increasing charge•andling of crop. unsuitability of the price to cost absent of extension specialist in marketing, and totally • trader's control of prices.