The present investigation was carried out at Giza Experimental Station, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), during the two successive summer seasons, 2005 and 2006 in order to investigate the influence of seed inoculation with phosphate dissolving bacteria (Phosphorein) under different levels of applied phosphorus (0, 5.63, 11.25 and 22.50 kg P205/feddan (0, 25, 50 and 100% of the recommended dose, respectively) on growth, anatomical structure, photosynthetic pigments and total sugars of leaves, yield, yield components, and seed quality of soybean cv.'Giza 35'. Results indicated that increasing the level of phosphorus fertilizer from 25 to 100% of the recommended dose (22.5 kg P2Oilfed.) caused significant increases in plant height, number of branches/plant, shoot dry weight/plant, number of pods/plant and seed yield /fed in both seasons. Likewise, leaf area index at 45, 60, 75 and 90 days after sowing as well as crop growth rate at 60-75 and 75-90 days after sowing were significantly improved with increasing the level of applied phosphorus in both seasons. Appreciable increases in photosynthetic pigments and total sugars in leaves were also observed. In addition, seed crude protein, total carbohydrates and phosphorus contents were increased with increasing applied phosphorus in the second season. Phosphorein biofertilizer treatment was superior to the control treatment by 13.1 and 12.7% for plant height, 20.4 and 13.7% for number of branches/plant, 11.4 and 11.1% for dry weight of shoot/plant, 9.2 and 9.6% for number of pods/plant and 10.4 and 10.6% for seed yield /feddan in the first and second seasons, respectively. Likewise, leaf area index and crop growth rate were significantly increased at all studied growth stages due to biofertilization treatment in both seasons. The increases in photosynthetic pigments and total sugars in leaves of soybean due to biofertilization treatment were 14.6% for chl a, 20.4% for chl b, 16.1% for ch (a+b), 18.6%for carotenoides and 16.7% for total sugars in 2006 season. Meanwhile, biofertilization Increased seed crude protein, total carbohydrates and phosphorus contents by 7.1, 4.7 and 5.2%, respectively in 2006 season. The application of 11.25 Kg P20s/fed (50% of the recommended rate of phosphorus fertilizer) along with seed Inoculation with phosphorein biofertilizer gave almost similar results to those obtained from the application at the recommended rate ( 22.5kg P2O5/fed ) alone, indicating the possibility of reducing the amounts of chemical fertilizer presently used in soybean fields.