The present study aimed to investigate the effect of addition flaxseeds on the nutritional value of camel meat sausage at the ratio of 0 (control), 10, 20 and 30%. The chemical composition of both raw materials and the product were estimated using standard methods. Antioxidant activity in sausages were valuated by estimating the number of peroxide value and Thiobarbituricacid value. Also, microbiological analysis and sensory changes in sausage at zero time and during freezing period at -18°C for three and six months were estimated.
The results showed that flaxseeds are rich in fat, protein, crude fiber and elements such as calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and zinc. The number of peroxide was apparent from the results that PV (mill. Equiv. /kg lipids) was ranged from 5.04±0.04 to 5.32±0.41 at zero time. The highest value of PV was noticed in control samples and the lowest value was found in prepared formula (4). During freezing and frozen storage, TBA values of prepared camel meat sausages were decreased from 1.17±0.03 to 1.11±0.07 malonaldehyde /kg meat at zero time till reached between 0.91±0.09 and 93±0.07 at the end of storage. Control sample recorded the highest number, meanwhile formula (4) had the lowest number spore forming bacteria was slightly decreased as the level of dried flaxseeds powder increased. Results revealed that total fungi and yeasts ranged from 2 x 10
to 2.4 x 10
cell/g after processing. Total fungi and yeasts were slightly decreased.
The study recommends that flaxseeds can be used up to 30% in sausage manufacturing and was nutritionally and microbiologically valid for up to six months.
Key words: Flaxseed, Nutritional value, Camel meat, Chemical analysis, Peroxide Value, Microbiological analysis, Organoleptic test.