Any academic specialization in in knowledge society depends on severalpotentials including human, material, and financial ones. Professional aspectsin the field of information field include libraries, information centers, documents houses, museums, and professional associations. The effective roleof professional associations in specialization field is not a secret for allspecialists. The follower of global intellectual production and movement ofspecialization development in the field of knowledge society observes the mainrole of professional associations that has a prominent role in framing andintroducing specialization as well as giving it a legal feature. their effortsinclude building bridges of communication and complementary collaborativework between academic institutions and labor market besides their training rolecoping up with the latest cognitive scientific updates according the mostmodern technology through utilizing the potentials of modern informationtechnology aiming to provide specialists with all new in specialization field. These associations we talk about include the American Library Association, British Library Association, and Canadian Library Association. On the otherhand, at the Arab level based on the findings of some studies, there is aweakness of the professional associations' role and not meeting therequirements of today's knowledge society. In this paper, concentration is madeon the reality of Saudi Library & Information Association in view of rapiddevelopments of the knowledge society to identify their reality, achievements, and future plans based on the formal information stated in the association'swebsite and contract with its officials to get reliable information.
The study reached several findings including that professional associations areconsidered vital institutions and the need for them in knowledge society didnot decrease but increase. The reality of Saudi library and informationassociations reflect their lack to several existence potentials supportingprofession such as cooperation, coordination, and communication with theconcerned persons and joint internet. The study proposed severalrecommendations including the necessity to deal with professional associationsas institutions with effective role in today's knowledge society and work onbenefiting from international professional associations in specialization field aswell as activating the role of professors and advisors and youth powers todevelop the performance of Saudi Library & Information Association