حيث تمثل منطقة القرن الافريقى بعداً استراتيجياً هاماً ولعل أبرز ما يضفى هذا البعد أهمية ارتباطها بالبحر الأحمر حيث له معظم الخصائص الجيوبوليتيکية التى تجعل منه ممراً بالدرجة الأولى فهو بمثابة ممر يربط البحر المتوسط عبر قناة السويس بالمحيط الهندى هذا فضلاً عن ارتباط البحر الأحمر بالمحيط الهندى مما جعله محل تنافس بين القوى الکبرى للتواجد العسکري فى البحر الأحمر سواء بشکل مباشر , أو غير مباشر وعلى المستوى الدولى استمد القرن الأفريقي أهميته الجيواستراتيجية من شق قناة السويس عام 1869 , ومع اکتشاف النفط فى منطقة الخليج العربى تعززت تلک الأهمية , أما على المستوى الإقليمي فقد اکتسب القرن الافريقى أهمية کبرى من منطلق تحکمه فى منابع النيل الأزرق فى دولة أثيوبيا وما لذلک من أهمية کبرى لکل من مصر والسودان.
Sea lanes are one of the most important power transactions for their strategic and security role in maintaining the security of the international and regional system. They are the biggest supporter of conflict resolution and regional and international control. From this point of view, the Horn of Africa region is of great importance because it represents the most important sea lanes at the regional and international levels, as well as the Horn of Africa. The most important factors of regional balance and stability, due to its distinctive geographical location and strategic, military, political and economic importance due to its overlooking of the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean.
The Horn of Africa region represents an important strategic dimension, and perhaps the most prominent aspect of this dimension is its connection with the Red Sea, as it has most of the geopolitical characteristics that make it a corridor in the first place. A place of competition between the major powers for the military presence in the Red Sea, whether directly or indirectly, and at the international level, the Horn of Africa derived its geostrategic importance from the construction of the Suez Canal in 1869, and with the discovery of oil in the Arabian Gulf region, that importance was reinforced. The African is of great importance from the point of view of its control over the sources of the Blue Nile in the State of Ethiopia, and this is of great importance to both Egypt and Sudan.