ArticleCommercial software to detect plagiarism of scientific texts in the digital environment: "an evaluative analytical study"
ArticleCommercial software to detect plagiarism of scientific texts in the digital environment: "an evaluative analytical study"
ArticleFree software to detect plagiarism of scientific texts in the digital environment: "an evaluative analytical study"
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ArticleDuplicate Publication, Divided Publication, Text Recycling, and Copyright Infringement: What Do’s and What Don’ts to Avoid Self-Plagiarism
ArticleDuplicate Publication, Divided Publication, Text Recycling, and Copyright Infringement: What Do’s and What Don’ts to Avoid Self-Plagiarism
ArticleSecuring Scientific Publishing against Plagiarism through Digital Coding of Electronic and printed Publications
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Articleالآثار الاقتصادية للقرصنة الالكترونية كإحدي الجرائم المعلوماتية في ظل الاقتصاد الرقمي وتداعياتها علي صناعة السينما والتنمية في مصر ولبنان: دراسة مقارنة
Articleالآثار الاقتصادية للقرصنة الالكترونية كإحدي الجرائم المعلوماتية في ظل الاقتصاد الرقمي وتداعياتها علي صناعة السينما والتنمية في مصر ولبنان: دراسة مقارنة
ArticleThe Teachers Awareness of Copyright and Scientific Thefts of Work: Scientific Periodical as an Example
ArticleThe Teachers Awareness of Copyright and Scientific Thefts of Work: Scientific Periodical as an Example