ArticleElectrocardiographic Findings and Prognostic Value of Long QTc Interval in Acute Organophosphate Insecticide Poisoning
ArticleElectrocardiographic Findings and Prognostic Value of Long QTc Interval in Acute Organophosphate Insecticide Poisoning
ArticleElectrocardiographic Findings and Prognostic Value of Long QTc Interval in Acute Organophosphate Insecticide Poisoning
ArticleElectrocardiographic Findings and Prognostic Value of Long QTc Interval in Acute Organophosphate Insecticide Poisoning
ArticleIdentifying Predictors of Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality among Acute Organophosphorus Poisoned Patients
ArticleIdentifying Predictors of Intensive Care Unit Admission and Mortality among Acute Organophosphorus Poisoned Patients
ArticleProbable Role of Serum Procalcitonin Level in Predicting Need for Mechanical Ventilation in Acute Organophosphorus Poisoning
ArticleProbable Role of Serum Procalcitonin Level in Predicting Need for Mechanical Ventilation in Acute Organophosphorus Poisoning
ArticlePredictive Value of Triage Vital Signs and Conscious Level for Outcome Evaluation in Acutely Organophosphate Poisoned Patients
ArticlePredictive Value of Triage Vital Signs and Conscious Level for Outcome Evaluation in Acutely Organophosphate Poisoned Patients
ArticleAssessment of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, Modified Early Warning and Worthing Physiological Scores as Predictor for Mechanical Ventilation in Acute Organophosphorus Toxicity Patients
ArticleAssessment of Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation, Modified Early Warning and Worthing Physiological Scores as Predictor for Mechanical Ventilation in Acute Organophosphorus Toxicity Patients
ArticlePoisoning Severity Score as a Predictor of Cardiotoxicity Induced by Anticholinesterase Pesticides, Digoxin and Beta Blockers
ArticlePoisoning Severity Score as a Predictor of Cardiotoxicity Induced by Anticholinesterase Pesticides, Digoxin and Beta Blockers