The technology industry has benefited numerous ways from the increased use of mobile electronic devices. However, is the inclusion of mobile devices in a school a benefit or a drawback? Regardless, technology is education is developing quickly. Technology in the classroom is no longer just limited to whiteboards and papers. New advances in technology have led to the creation of a new generation of devices and technology-savvy learners. For many children mobile devices are the primary educational tool of the mobile age. Adults and children carry cell phones into the classroom for notes and, unfortunately distractions. iPads are also being included as part of the classroom teaching experience. These are simply facts of education. There must be a way to account for the inclusion of this new tablet technology in the educational experience of schoolchildren. This analysis presents the history of mobile technology implementation and effective devices, technologies and learning protocols to use within this new school environment. There are arguments and theories that must be taken into account when investigating the placement and methods of implementing these mobile technologies' use in didactic activities among elementary and preschool school aged students. All of these topics will be explored in this research, specifically in the three to four year old age group. Evidence presented here will discuss the use of iPad technology on learning letters. The steps of a plausible intervention at Baby, Toddler and Preschool Land Center in Fairfax, VA. are introduced for this age group.