Marine probiotic sh6 and sh7 have been isolated from the Mediterranean and the Red Sea beaches of Egypt, respectivily. Were identified as "Enterococcus faecium AUMC B-450 and AUMC B-451 "by molecular identification These novel strains were compared to (LAB) as a reference for probiotic properties. The two strains were analysed for hemolytic activity the results were non hemolytic blood. The bacteria were discovered to be resistant to the gastrointestinal tract's severe environment (acidity pH3 and bile salt 0.5%). Susceptibility of E. faecium AUMC B-450 and AUMC B-451 strains to some different commercially available antibiotic discs: (tetracycline, penicillin, streptomycin,erythromycin, Nalidixic acid, Ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol, and gentamicin) have been tested the method of disc diffusion using antibiotics discs. The result demonstrated that E. faecium AUMC B-450 is sensitive to):penicillin-streptomycin-erythromycin-Nalidixic acid-Ciprofloxacin-and chloramphenicol( but Insensitive to tetracycline -penicillin –streptomycin - erythromycin- Nalidixic.acid-Ciprofloxacin-gentamicin -and chloramphenicol ( but E. faecium AUMC B-451 sensitive to)tetracycline-penicillin- streptomycin -erythromycin-Nalidixic acid-Ciprofloxacin and chloramphenicol(but Insensitive to (Nalidixic acid, Ciprofloxacin, chloramphenicol). These two strains E. faecium AUMC B-450 and AUMC B-451 exhibited wide antimicrobial efficacy against the most common Gram-positive , Gram-negative and fungi pathogenic. The degree of its safety the strains was measured by a toxicity test, and it was found that the two strains E. faecium AUMC B-450 and AUMC B-451 have a high degree of safety. According to the findings, E. faecium AUMC B-450 and AUMC B-451 appears to be suitable for application as a probiotic in the food and feed industries in the future.