Aerobic composting process of rice straw. chicken manure. natural material
i.e, felespar • magnetite . rock phosphate and enriched wilh some bacterial inocula
was investigated to find out the best conditions for relatively rapid maturity :
evaluation of chemical and biological changes occurring during decomposition
process was also carried out. Composting process was continued for 150 days under
aerobic conditions and 90 days after enriched with various bacteria ; during
composting. samples were subjected to chemical and microbiological analyses.
Chemical determinations included EC, pH along with total N, P. K, available
micronutrients (Fe. Mn, Zn and Cu); temperature as well as C/N ratio were also
evaluated . Microbiological determinations.on the other hand ,were performed through
counting of total bacteria i.e.. Azotobacter chroococcum. Bacillus megatherium and
Bacillus circulance. Finally. growth regulators represented by indol acetic acid (1AA)
gibberellic acid (GA3) and abscisic acid (ABA) were extrected from the studied
compost to be then assayed.
Monitoring of the composting process showed that, temperature rises during the first
two weeks of composting (thermophilic stag). It reached 58-62 0 C starting from the
third week and up the mesophilic stage appeared to be dominant towards the end of
the compo sting process. EC and pH values were increased with increasing
composting lime of rice straw heaps especially after application of bacterial inoculas:
total N. P, K. Fe. Mn, Zn and Cu values were also increased opposite to C/N ratio
which was decreased.
Generally. the count of the studied three bacterial strains were higher at all the
invesligted time periods as compared to the zero time ( before application of
bacterial inocula). Furthermore. the nitrogen. phosphorus and potassium content
increased after 90 days from application of either Azotobacter chroococcurn, B.
megatherium or B. circulance.