The effect of gamma radiation. microwave radiation, interaction between
them; and storage of radiated sesame seeds were investigated to find out the best
treatment which lead to the maximum reduction of antinutritionat factors (Trypsin
inhibitor and lipoxygenase activities) without significant effect on the chemical
constituents. The gamma rays was used at three doses 0 f 2 .5,5.0 and 8.0 K .Gy,
microwave radiation was at 70 level power for 2 and 4 min; and the storage of seeds
was at room temperature, R.H. 50-55% for six months. The results could be
summarized as foflow. Gamma radiation and storage showed a slight decrease in
erode protein contents. significant decrease in total free amino acids, total lipids had
either slightly or insignificant changes, total carbohydrates were decreased and a
slight changes in total soluble sugars content were a bserved. Reduction 0 f trypsin
inhibitor and lipoxygenase activities were increased as the irradiation dose levels and
storage time increased. Slight decrease in tannin and phenol contents and
significantly decrease in phytic acid content were observed. Microwave radiation and
storage showed insignificant effect on protein and total lipids contents. decrease in
total free amino acids, slight changes in tolal carbohydrate content and insignificant
changes in total soluble and reducing sugars. Trypsin inhibitor and lipoxygenase
activities were significantly reduced by microwave, while lipoxygenase activity was
decreased by increasing the storage period. Significant changes in tannin and phenol
contents were detected. while p hytic acid was decreased. The interaction between
gamma and microwave radiation as well as storage showed that. protein content was
changed according to the treatment, significant decrease in total free amino acids
contents; slight decreases in total lipids, total carbohydrate, total sotoble sugars and
reducing sugars were observed. Trypsin inhibitor and lipoxygenase activities were
gradually decreased with increasing the radiation dose and time of storage periods.
While, lannins and phytic acid were significantly decreased, while phenol was slightly