A field experiment was carried out at Kaha Vegetable Experimental farm during two summer seasons of 1997 and 1998 to evaluate the effect of single and combined applications of some biofertilizers in term of yield, fruit characters and storeability of tomato “Castle Rock cv.". Rizobacterein, Nitrobein and Cerialein were used as nitrogen fixing bacteria, in addition to Posphorein as Phosphate dissolving bacteria.
Results indicate that inoculation of tomato plants with biofertilizer treatments with single or combined application in the presence of 75% from NPK chemical fertilizer recommendation markedly increased the number of fruits per plant, average fruit weight and early, total and marketable yields as compared with the uninoculated plants in the presence of 100% NPK. The highest values was obtained by using Phosphorein + Cerialein followed by Phosphorein + Rizobacterein. Application a mixed biofertilizer, i.e. Phosphorein + a source of nitrogen fixing bacteria had more stimulative effect than using Phosphorein alone on these characters. Cerialein was the best single application treatment.
Results indicate also that inoculation of tomato plants with mixture of Phosphorein + Cerialein and / or Phosphorein + Rizobacterein with 75% NPK gave fruit with good quality and storeability concerning fruit firmness, T.S.S, dry matter content, ascorbic acid, acidity, Lycopene, weight loss and decay percentage, pre and post storage period. Therefore, these biofertilizers can be recommended for tomato to improve productively, fruit quality and storeability, beside this, it reduced the need for mineral fertilizer by about 25%, decreased the production cost and environmental pollution.