This investigation was conducted at Mallawi Research station farm, Minia
Governorate In 199912000 and 200012001 season. The soil type was silty - loam.
Yield and quality of newly selected carrot (Daucus carota L ) genotypes versus 20
01 her genotypes grown under Middle Egypt conditions 'Nere studied.
The newly selected purple carrot gave a high totat eaves weight (ton I fed), biological
yield (ton I fed.), average lear length (em) and average number of leaves per plant
while it gave intermediate total root yield (ton/red.). average root length (em.), average
lop, middle and tip root diameter (em), cortex and core diameter and root total soluble
solids (T.S.S.). Skin!cv. gave a high total root yield (Ion I fed.) and bIological
yield (ton I red.) while Chantenay red cored gave Ihe lowest value in 101151 root yield
(Ion I fed. ) and average root length Chantenay extra long gave a lowest biological
yield (ton I fed.). Nandrin F1 and Nantuchet F1 cvs. gave Ihe highest average root
length (em). and average top, middle and lip root diameter, while, Flakkeer regol and
Laranda gave the lowest value. BCT 3802, Kohli 200 and Nandrin F1 gave the highest
cortex thicken and Core diameter, while Flakkeer regol gave the lowest value.
8erianda F1 and Chentenay extra long gave the highest percentage of T.S.S.
however. Kazan F1 and Kamaran F1 gave the lowest value.
The correlation study showed that there was a high positive signifICant relation
between weight leaves I length leaves, root weight I leaves weight and top (001
diameter I lip root diameter. However. the relation between root weight I root length
was negative significantly.