A study has been conducted on pea cv. master 8 at kaha Vegetable
-~!- ,earr::h Station. Ministry of Agriculture. Kalubia Governorate during the two
successive seasons of 1998/1999 and 199912000. Thp. effect of sulphur incorporation
into the soil (0 and 50 k9/led.) and NPK fertilization levels (30: 22.5:36: 40'30:48 and
50'37.5:60 kgffed.) on growth. pod yietd and yield components. as well NPK contents
in leaves and protein content in dry seed. Sulphur supplement to the soil significanlly
increased ptant height. leaf number I plant. total fresh pod yield. pod weight. number
of green podl plant, average weight 01 100-fresh seeds, seed-Index. dry seed yield
and NPK contents in leaves.
Fertilization with NPK at the medium (40:30:48 kg/fed.). or high (50:37.5'60
kg/fed.) rates induced significant increase in ptant height and teaf number Iptan! as
compared with the [ow rate (30: 22.5.36 kgJfed.) The same trend was recorded lor
average fresh pod weight, number of green pods I plant. number of fresh seeds! pod,
lotal (resh pod yield, 100 - fresh seed weight. seed-index. dry seed yield and NPK
content in leaves. There was no signifICant difference between the high or medium
rates of NPK fertilizers on the pervious characters. The interaction between sulphur
and NPK application increased significanUy plant height, number of pods Iplant,
average 100- fresh seed weight. seed-index and dry seed yield due to the addition 01
sulphur 10 the high or medium rates ot NPK levels as compared with no-sulphur and
low rate of NPK.