Nine strains of Giza 83 cotton variely, named as G. 83192-G. 8312000 were
used in this study. The experiment was eanied out at Mallawy AgricuUural Research
Slation during twa successive growing seasons (2000 and 2001). The strains G.
83192 and G. 83/93 showed the lowest values for maturity, seed index and 50% fiber
length, traits. while G. 831913 and G. 8312000 slrains were the best for most studied
traits. Years mean squares were found to be highly significant ror seed index, boll
weight, lint index, micconaire value and 2.5% tiber length trait!!.. The interactions of
strains with years were detected to be highly significant for most studIed traits. Strain
mean squares were highly sIgnificant for aU studIed traIls In the two successive
growing seasons and their combined except boll weIght traIt. The results indicated
that seed cotton yield showed highly and posilively correlated with linl yield. Lint
percentage showed highly and positively corr$l.ed with linl Index, while, il was
negalively correlated with seed index. Bolf weight was highly and posillve correlated
with maturity and lint index, Fiber length (2,5% span length) was highly and positively
correlated willi 500/11" span length.