This study was carried out during the fall season of 1998 and 1999. Four
cantaloupe varieties. were used in this study i.e. Primal, Total, Ideal and Vicar. The
fruits were picked up at 3 maturity stages, i.e. at 35,40and 45- days after anthesis.
The physical and chemical properties of fruits were tested. All varieties showed
significantly higher fruit weight and flesh thickness. Whereas the superior varieties
regarding firmness were Ideal, Primal, Vicar and Total, respectively. Ideal var.
exhibited the higher values of TSS, total sugars, total acidity and Vit. C.
The fruits picked at 45- days stage exhibited significantly higher fruit weight,
flesh thickness, TSS, as well as total sugars. Whereas firmness and Vit. C decreased
toward the full maturity stage.
Moreover, the standard variety i.e. Ideal followed primal in earliness as the
physical and chemical properties reached maturity stage after 40- days of anthesis
while Primal reached these characters after 35- days. On the other hand Total and
Vicar were later in maturity stage by 45-days from anthesis.