Different isolates of Fussriurn oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici were isolated from
tomato plants infected with wilt collected from tomato fields located at different
locations of Ismaillia, Giza and Minia. These isolates differed significantly in their
virulence to induce wilt disease of tomato. The present virulent isolates were found to
cause wilt disease only 10 tomato. These isolates were then considered specialized
which named F. oxysporum f.sp",lycopersici. tn taborato!), tes·~s. the growth of the
mentioned pathogen was highly inhibited by 75.5% • 70.3% as a result of the
antagonistic effect of Streptomyces spp. and pseudomonas fiuorescens. The growth
of different isolates of the tested fungus were completety inhibited at concentrations
100 and 400 ppm of Topsin M and Tecto' Mancozeb. respectively. Application of
biological and fungicidal treatments reduced wilt incidence of tomato grown under field
conditions. Combination between Topsin M and soil drench with Streptomyces spp < /em>. or
Pseudomonas fluorescens. Induced more significant reduction in disease incidence
and yietd increase than seed coating with bioagents and' or each treatment alone.
Data of this study indicated thai the combined biological and chemical treatments
could be considered as promising technique for application to controt certain soli
bome fungi causing wilt disease. Perspective application of integration technique may
held to decrease the usage of fungicides and reduce environmental pollution. I