Persimmon fruits of six varieties anrj strains were picked at optimum
picking stage from farms in Gharbia Governorate, and treated for ripening by ethyl
alcohol (35%), sealed and wrapped in P.V.C., high-density polyethylene, in addition
the traditional ripening treatment by calcium :;arbide as control. Objective of the
study is a comparison among ripening methods in order to obtain fruits with good
quality for consumers.
The obtained results indicated that packing Kaki fruits in sealed bags kept
fruits in fresh conditions due to a minimum weight loss. Traditional ripening method
by calcium carbide recorded the highest percentage of fruit decay. Among varieties,
Warda fruits were the most resistant to storaqe conditions and to microbial decay.
All ripening methods were effective in removing astringency and resulting in good
taste fruits. but Bassateen 1 and 2 were the oest in organoleptic notes. Tannins
dedined noticeably, especially by Ethyl alcohol treatment in the first year and P.V.C.
wrapping in the second one. Tozuru gaki had the highest tannins after ripening.
Generally, there was no significant change in total soluble solids by the end of
storage. Tozuru gaki had the highest T.S.S.% in both seasons. Some minor
fluctuations happened in fruit acidity content, which it is low by nature. These
changes may be related to natural variability among fruits. There was an effective
increase in red colour after storage compared te the start colour, for all treatments,
as expressed by "a" colorimeter value and yello'll color regressed expressed by "b"
as colorimeter value, Tozuru gaki fruits showed tile highest increase in redness and
highest drop in yellow colour.