Two field experiments were conducted at the Experiment and Research
Center, Faculty of Agriculture at Moshtohor, Zagazig University during 1996 and 1997
seasons. Experiments were designed to study the response of growth and seed yield
of soybean to levels of N + P fertilizer ( N 0 + P 0. 30 kg N + 15 kg oy‘fed and 60 kg
N + 30 kg PzOy'fed) and manganese levels (0. 2.5 . 5.0. 7.5 and 10.0 kglfed) as soil
application in combination of 15 treatments. increasing NP fertilization rates up to 60
kg N + 30 kg Pgoslfed significantly increased plant height. number of branches.
number of pods and seeds per plant, seed yield per plant. 100vseed weight. seed
yield (kgr‘fed) and protein percentage of soybean.However.this treatment decreased
oil percentage of seeds. Plant height number of brancheslplant number of pods and
seeds per plant, seed yield per plant, too-seed weight, seed yield (kgr'ted). As will as
protein and oil percentages increased significantly by increasing manganese level up < /p>
to 5.0 kgr'fed.
Higher seed yield per plant, too-seed weight as well as seed yield (kglfed).
protein and oil percentages significantly increased by application of N + P Fertilizer at
60 kg N + 30 kg oslfed with 5.0 kglfed of manganese as soil application in the two
growing seasons, respectivelylt couid be concluded that under the circumstance of
these experiments, would recommended to fertilize soybean with 60 kg N +
30 kg P205/fed with soil application of 5.0 kg/fed Mn (Mn-EDTA-15 % Mn).